White Energy has extensive experience in the resources and energy sectors with substantial expertise in project recognition, acquisition and development, commercial leadership, business advisory, and contract negotiation.

Greg Sheahan
Chief Executive Officer
B.Sc (Geology), B.Econ, LLM (UQ)
Previously a geologist and practising barrister specialising in resources, finance, property and Native Title. He has acted for the Queensland Government and major coal, mineral and oil and gas producing companies and more recently in Native Title matters in Queensland and Western Australia.

Brian Flannery
Non-Executive Chairman
B.E. (Mining)
A mining engineer with more than 50 years’ experience in the development, engineering, construction and management of open-cut and underground mining projects in Australia and overseas. Managing Director of White Mining Limited prior to its merger with Felix Resources Limited in April 2005. Subsequent to that merger he held the position of Managing Director of Felix Resources Limited and Yancoal Australia Limited until September 2010.

Vincent O’Rourke AM
Non-Executive Director
Over 50 years’ of corporate and railway industry experience spanning operations, finance and business management. He is the Chair of the Audit and Risk and Remuneration committees. He was formerly Queensland Commissioner for Railways and the Chief Executive Officer of Queensland Rail.

Mike Chapman
Non-Executive Director
Dip. Mining Engineering
A mining engineer with over 55 years’ experience in the exploration, development, engineering, construction and management of open-cut and underground mining projects in Australia and overseas. He was formerly the Chief Operating Officer of White Energy. Prior to that he was Chief Operating Officer at Felix Resources Limited and he has held senior mining positions for a number of operations across Australia and Indonesia and in commodities spanning coal, iron ore, copper and nickel.

Keith Whitehouse
Non-Executive Director
B. Sc (Geology), Prof Cert JORC, MAusIMM, CP (Geol), MAICD
Over 40 years’ experience as a resource and data management geologist covering mineral exploration, the development and exploitation of a variety of minerals, as well as data management, geological modelling, resource definition and evaluation in Australia and overseas. He is currently the Exploration Director for a subsidiary of TSX-listed Leviathan Gold. He was formerly the Managing Director of Fiddler’s Creek Mining Company Pty Ltd, the previous owner of the Tindal and Maranoa projects.

Allan McCarthy
Chief Financial Officer
Mr McCarthy is an experienced accountant in mining and other sectors, including senior finance positions with Australian and global organisations. He is a leader, developer, mentor and manager of high performing finance teams and a passionate driver of growth by providing insights, strategic financial direction, shared understanding and proactive management to deliver high quality results.
Allan is creative and adept at finding solutions, business integration, rolling out new business software and systems, streamlining processes, profit improvement, raising and managing limited finances with high levels of energy, commitment and positivity.
He has extensive hands on expertise at technical accounting, financial and management reporting, budgets and forecasts, audit management, consolidations, commercial financial management, capital works and assets, financial systems and controls, risk management, governance, taxation and compliance. Astute at financial modelling and analysis, combined with a strong business acumen and effective interpersonal, communication and stakeholder engagement skills.

Andromeda Neale
General Counsel
Andromeda has 20 years’ experience as a lawyer and business executive both in Australia and internationally. She competed a combined Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Law degree at the University of Sydney, graduating with first class honours. She commenced her career as a lawyer at Freehills and has been legal counsel at White Energy since 2007. She is also a director of a number of private investment companies.

Valeria Jackson
Finance & Administration Manager
With over 10 years of experience as a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA), Val brings a wealth of expertise to our team as the Finance & Administration Manager. Throughout her career, she has garnered extensive knowledge across diverse industries. This breadth of experience has honed her skills in strategic financial management, accounting, payroll administration, Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) compliance, and Information Technology systems integration. As a CPA, she maintains the highest professional standards and is dedicated to continuous professional development to stay abreast of emerging trends and best practices in finance and administration.
Exploration direction, supported by appropriate ‘applications research projects’, is provided to the company by highly experienced mineral exploration/research professionals, underpinned by two White Energy-sponsored research projects with the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Quebéc, Canada.

Peter Beier
Exploration Manager
B.App.Sc (Geology), MEngSc (Geotech. Eng), FAusIMM, MAIG
Over 30 years’ experience in exploration, mine and regional geology, geotechnical engineering, project management and due diligence across a range of commodity types, throughout Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and America. Fifteen of these years as Exploration Manager with White Energy. Previous roles with Halliburton, Northern Territory Geological Survey, Anglo America, SMG Consultants, and Felix Resources. Peter is a Fellow of the AusIMM and Member of the AIG.

Lyal Harris
Structural geologist and geophysicist
Professor, INRS-ETE, Quebéc, Canada
Leader, INRS research project: The controls of upper mantle and deep crustal structures on mineralisation in Australasia
BSc(Hons – double major in geology and geophysics), University of Melbourne, Australia; Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA), USTL, Montpellier, France; Doctorate, Rennes University, France.
Member, Ordre des géologues du Québec (certification accepted by the Australian Institute of Geoscientists as a ‘Competent Person’ by a ‘Recognised Professional Organisation’); Fellow, Society of Economic Geologists.
Over 40 years’ experience as a structural geologist and geophysicist. Employed as a geophysicist for Shell Development Australia, Perth, then taught and undertook research at the University of Rennes (France) and the University of Western Australia, during which time he consulted extensively on field-based as well as geophysical interpretation projects for mineral exploration companies in Australia and Indonesia; participated in regional mapping project for World Geoscience Corporation in India. Currently Professor at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) in Quebéc, Canada (during which he also held an adjunct professor position for several years at the University of Québec at Chicoutimi, UQAC). Research has included field studies integrated with geophysical processing and interpretation of upper to deep crustal and upper mantle structural controls of gold and critical minerals in diverse geological settings, and of hydrothermal dolomite related to petroleum exploration. His research on Archaean tectonics, including comparisons with the planet Venus, has led to new metallogenic models in Archaean terrains in the absence of plate tectonics, and for a better understanding of Earth’s sister planet. He has also undertaken centrifuge analogue modelling of structural processes. Lyal has run workshops in structural geology, geophysics, and Archaean tectonics in Australia, Canada and Finland, including several invited workshops associated with international conferences.

Erwan Gloaguen
Geoscientific Data Assimilation
Professor, INRS-ETE, Quebéc, Canada
INRS Research Project Leader: Assimilation of different multi-variate data sets and types using advanced AI and ML algorithms.
Expertise in the integration of geoscientific methods to improve the characterisation of natural resources, including economic minerals, particularly data integration by ensemble methods and artificial intelligence, along with characterization of resources by quantitative assimilation of data from multiple sources.

Russell Birrell
Dip. App. Geol, BSc Hon. Geochem., BSc Education,, Fellow AAG, Member AIG
Consultant geochemist/researcher specialising in ionic geochemistry deep sensing geochemical exploration techniques, successfully identifying buried mineral and petroleum systems at depth. He has held positions at CSIRO, collaborated with government geology surveys, consulted to major and junior international companies. His last company position being Director, Gold and Base Metal Exploration, Ma’Aden, Govt. of Saudi Arabia.